The following is a list of approved experiments at FRIB. Click on a column header to sort by that column.
Experiment Number | Contact Spokesperson | Co-Spokespersons | Title | Beam on Target Hours Approved | Beam Tuning Hours | Date Completed |
25107 | Kanungo, Rituparna | Ayyad Limonge, Yassid; Bazin, Daniel | Investigation of neutron-proton pairing in 56Ni | 120.00 | 40.00 | |
25084 | Surbrook, Jason | Wrede, Christopher | Demonstrating new methods for beta-delayed fission | 72.00 | 46.00 | |
25079 | Madurga Flores, Miguel | Grzywacz, Robert; Rasco, Bertis; Rykaczewski, Krzysztof; Xu, Zhengyu | Beta-decay of 31F in the drip line of the island of inversion | 130.00 | 19.00 | |
25078 | Ghosh, Priyarshini | Moskalenko, Igor; Pereira, Jorge | Measurement of Production Cross Sections in the Spallation reaction 52Cr(p,X) with the S800 | 43.00 | 31.00 | |
25077 | Schatz, Hendrik | Estrade, Alfredo; Tarasov, Oleg | Constraining the nucleosynthesis of ytterbium by the r-process | 144.00 | 46.00 | |
25076 | Ota, Shuya | Capel, Pierre; Gueye, Paul | Establishing a complete picture of the halo nucleus 19C using a novel technique: the ratio method | 64.00 | 27.00 | |
25072 | Grzywacz, Robert | Fijalkowska, Aleksandra; Lyons, Stephanie; Madurga Flores, Miguel; Neupane, Shree; Rykaczewski, Krzysztof; Xu, Zhengyu; Yokoyama, Rin | Role of nuclear structure and statistical effects on beta-delayed neutron emission | 128.00 | 46.00 | |
25069 | Perdikakis, Georgios | Tsintari, Pely | Investigation of the role of the νp process in the synthesis of heavy elements through the reaction p(56Co,n)56Ni at a beam energy of 3.5 MeV/u | 138.00 | 85.00 | |
25065 | Grzywacz, Robert | Allmond, Mitch; Ong, Wei Jia; Rykaczewski, Krzysztof; Sherrill, Bradley; Tarasov, Oleg | Exploring the Drip-Line Around 60Ca: Insights into Nuclear Stability | 148.00 | 42.00 | |
25058 | Wrede, Christopher | Mahajan, Ruchi; Wheeler, Tyler | Strength of the key 15O(a,g)19Ne resonance in X-ray bursts: Run 2 | 96.00 | 35.00 | |
25055 | Swartz, Jacobus | Zegers, Remco | Probing Urca cooling in intermediate mass stars via the 25Mg-25Na Urca pair | 36.00 | 27.00 | |
25052 | Chen, Alan | 34Cl(p,gamma)35Ar reaction rate in classical novae: Measurement of 35K decay with GADGET I | 54.00 | 35.00 | ||
25046 | Mahajan, Ruchi | Measuring 57Ni(p, γ )58Cu reaction rate through β-decay of 58Zn | 80.00 | 35.00 | ||
25038 | Uthayakumaar, Sivahami | Bosmpotinis, Konstantinos | Constraining the Zn-Ga Cycle in the rp-process using SuN++ | 100.00 | 31.00 | |
25035 | Redshaw, Matt | Ringle, Ryan | Precise Penning trap measurement of the mass of $^{73}$As to evaluate its potential ultra-low Q value electron capture decay channel | 12.00 | ||
25033 | Randhawa, Jaspreet | Ayyad Limonge, Yassid; Crider, Ben | Decoding observations from X-ray Binaries: First direct measurement of 63Ga(p,α)60Zn to understand Zn-Ga cycle | 104.00 | 75.00 | |
25026 | Benetti, Caleb | Camargo Villari, Antonio; Kuich, Magda; Smith, Andy | Measuring Nuclear Radii Around N=32 | 144.00 | 35.00 | |
25025 | Zegers, Remco | Ali, Mustak | Solving the puzzle of low-lying Gamow-Teller strength in N=50 nuclei | 60.00 | 27.00 | |
25024 | Pereira, Jorge | Estrade, Alfredo | Disentangling the R-process Rare-Earth Peak Abundances: New Mass Measurements of Neutron-Rich Cs-Er Nuclei with the mass-ToF technique in the S800 | 108.00 | 46.00 | |
25023 | Leach, Kyle | Hayen, Leendert | Nuclear Recoil Spectroscopy for BSM Electroweak Physics Searches with the Superconducting Array for Low-Energy Radiation (SALER) | 20.00 | 93.00 | |
25022 | Iwasaki, Hironori | New isotope search and lifetime measurements at the proton dripline | 58.00 | 44.00 | ||
25021 | Valverde, Adrian | Maier, Franziska | Precision Binding Energy Determination of 78Ni, the Most Neutron-rich Doubly-magic Nucleus | 152.00 | 112.00 | |
25017 | Ayyad Limonge, Yassid | Bonaiti, Francesca; Harakeh, Muhsin | Low-energy dipole strength and polarizability of 8He: a stringent test for nuclear theory | 84.00 | 27.00 | |
25015 | Raven, Will | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando; Minamisono, Kei; Nörtershäuser, Wilfried; Ortiz Cortes, Alejandro | Laser spectroscopy on the magic oxygen isotopic chain | 48.00 | 49.00 | |
25014 | Wuosmaa, Alan | Bazin, Daniel | Single-particle states in 23O from the 22O(d,p)23O reaction | 144.00 | 88.00 | |
25011 | Heery, Jacob | Doherty, Daniel; Gade, Alexandra; Henderson, Jack; Wu, Ching-Yen | Shape transitions around N=36: Coulomb excitation of 68Ge and 72Se | |||
25009 | Rickey, Brooke | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando; Koenig, Kristian; Minamisono, Kei; Nörtershäuser, Wilfried | Shape coexistence around A ~ 80 and N = 40 subshell closure in 80Zr | 106.00 | 68.00 | |
25006 | Leistenschneider, Erich | Maier, Franziska; Ringle, Ryan | Seeking the Holy Grail of Nuclear Structure: Precise Binding Energy Determination of 100Sn - Part 2 | 103.00 | 72.00 | |
25005 | Gade, Alexandra | Henderson, Jack; Rhodes, Daniel; Wu, Ching-Yen | Probing the quasi-SU(3)-coupling-induced shape transition in Ba | |||
25004 | Lantis, Jeremy | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando; Minamisono, Kei; Nörtershäuser, Wilfried; Wilkins, Shane | Shape coexistence in proton-rich francium through laser spectroscopy | 70.00 | 82.00 | |
25003 | Gade, Alexandra | Grauvogel, Gabe; Longfellow, Brenden | Collectivity on top of shape-coexisting states around N=20 | 72.00 | 31.00 | |
25002 | Gade, Alexandra | Henderson, Jack; Rhodes, Daniel; Wu, Ching-Yen | Collectivity and shape at Z=80 | |||
25001 | Charity, Robert | Spectroscopy of 9N->5p+alpha and 12O->4p+2alpha states | 120.00 | 35.00 | ||
24502 | Lidia, Steve | Albrecht, John; Papapolymerou, John | Radiation testing of MoS2/MXene material | 6.00 | WED 16 OCT 2024 | |
23509 | Baryshev, Sergey | Studying Resilience of Power Load Switch to Heavy Ion Radiation | 6.00 | THU 22 FEB 2024 | ||
23508 | Cortesi, Marco | Dziubinski, Sean | Performance test ELOSS detector | 12.00 | FRI 19 JUL 2024 | |
23505 | Lidia, Steve | High-flux, short-pulse single event effects demonstration experiment | 39.00 | SAT 12 AUG 2023 | ||
23503 | Grzywacz, Robert | Kitamura, Noritaka; Neupane, Shree; Xu, Zhengyu | Beta-delayed neutron spectroscopy of 24O | 8.00 | MON 15 MAY 2023 | |
23502 | Wrede, Christopher | Twentieth Exotic Beam Summer School | 24.00 | SAT 15 JUL 2023 | ||
23084 | Pain, Steven | Balakrishnan, Sudarsan; Pain, Steven | Informing the i process: constraining the As/Ge abundance ratio in a metal poor star via 75Ga(d,pg)76Ga | 96.00 | 36.00 | SUN 05 MAY 2024 |
23080 | Moroch, Scott | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando; Karthein, Jonas; Minamisono, Kei | Precision Laser Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules Containing 229,232Th Isotopes | THU 17 OCT 2024 (partial) | ||
23079 | Pain, Steven | Chipps, Kelly; Ong, Wei Jia | Simultaneous high-precision spectroscopic measurements of (a,p) reactions on proton-rich mass 26 nuclides for X-Ray-Burst nucleosynthesis | 192.00 | 48.00 | |
23078 | Korkulu, Zeren | Estrade, Alfredo | Mass measurements on the r-process path relevant for the first r-process peak | 156.00 | 36.00 | |
23076 | Grzywacz, Robert | Allmond, Mitch; Fijalkowska, Aleksandra; Rasco, Bertis; Rykaczewski, Krzysztof | Intersections of nuclear structure and statistical model in βn-decays of cobalt isotopes and isomers | 74.00 | 0.00 | |
23071 | Seweryniak, Dariusz | Allmond, Mitch; Clark, Roderick; Grzywacz, Robert; Liddick, Sean; Tarasov, Oleg | The Study of Proton-Rich Isotopes Along the Proton Drip-Line above 100Sn | 72.00 | 36.00 | |
23070 | Lubna, Rebeka Sultana | Lubna, Rebeka Sultana; Tang, Tsz Leung | Probing the N=28 shell gap migration via simultaneous measurements of the 40,42S(d, p) and 40,42S(d, t) reactions | 48.00 | 48.00 | |
23068 | Revel, Aldric | Banu, Adriana; Monteagudo Godoy, Belen | Study of possible p-wave halo in 34Na ground state | 111.00 | 36.00 | |
23066 | Domnanich, Katharina | Gaiser, Alyssa; Scielzo, Nicholas; Severin, Gregory; Shusterman, Jennifer | Isotope Harvesting with the First 58Ni Primary Beam at FRIB | 20.00 | 36.00 | |
23065 | Mitchell, AJ | Kay, Benjamin | Single-particle fragmentation near N=28 explored through direct reactions on 46Ca | |||
23064 | Allmond, Mitch | Carpenter, Michael; Gray, Tim; Grzywacz, Robert; Liddick, Sean; Portillo, Mauricio; Rasco, Bertis; Rykaczewski, Krzysztof; Seweryniak, Dariusz; Tarasov, Oleg | Seniority Isomers and Single-Particle Evolution in 218-222Pb Region: New Isotopes, Isomers, and Half Lives | |||
23063 | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando | Minamisono, Kei; Wilkins, Shane | Laser spectroscopy of neutron-rich silicon isotopes | 62.00 | 84.00 | |
23060 | Wilkins, Shane | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando; Minamisono, Kei | Towards determining the rotational fingerprints of the radioactive molecules 26AlF and 32SiO for astronomical studies | WED 20 SEP 2023 (partial) | ||
23058 | Brown, Kyle | Chajecki, Zbigniew | Measuring the isospin dependence of the nucleon effective mass at supersaturation density | 116.00 | 36.00 | |
23056 | Richard, Andrea | Zegers, Remco | Indirect 99Nb(n,g)100Nb Constraint for the Astrophysical i-Process | 96.00 | 36.00 | MON 23 DEC 2024 |
23055 | Crider, Ben | Allmond, Mitch; Janssens, Robert; Liddick, Sean; Stuchbery, Andrew | Decay Spectroscopy Near N = 40: toward the N = 50 island of inversion near 78Ni | 60.00 | 36.00 | |
23054 | Williams, Matt | Exploring the p-process with SECAR | 92.00 | 48.00 | ||
23047 | Estrade, Alfredo | Crawford, Heather; Fallon, Paul; Schatz, Hendrik | Mass measurement along the neutron dripline | 180.00 | 36.00 | |
23045 | Montes, Fernando | Garg, Ruchi | Machine learning techniques to optimise and automate recoil separators performance and operation | |||
23041 | Chaple Gore , Ivis | Domnanich, Katharina | Production and separation of radioplatinum for a theragnostic approach to cancer | 48.00 | 36.00 | |
23038 | Redshaw, Matt | Mougeot, Xavier; Ringle, Ryan | High-precision Penning trap determination of the 99Tc beta-decay Q value for the evaluation of precise beta-spectrum measurements | |||
23037 | Fougeres, Chloe | de oliveira santos, Francois; de Séréville, Nicolas; Hammache, Faïrouz | Angle-integrated measurement of the d(25Al, n gamma)26Si transfer reaction to probe resonance strengths in 25Al(p,gamma)26Si relevant for the production of 26Al in classical novae | 132.00 | 36.00 | FRI 10 NOV 2023 |
23035 | Wrede, Christopher | Is there a NiCu Cycle in X-ray Bursts? | 120.00 | 36.00 | ||
23033 | Revel, Aldric | Monteagudo Godoy, Belen | Investigating the halo structure of 37Mg | 108.00 | 36.00 | |
23031 | Ayyad Limonge, Yassid | Lay , José; Zamora, Juan | Investigating the electric dipole response of halo nuclei using proton inelastic scattering | 84.00 | 36.00 | MON 15 JUL 2024 |
23030 | Porzio, Carlotta | Crawford, Heather; Porzio, Carlotta; Rice, Emma | Quadrupole Collectivity at the Boundaries of the N=40 Island of Inversion | 24.00 | 24.00 | SAT 03 FEB 2024 |
23025 | Brown, Kyle | Cook, Kaitlin; McCormick, Caitlin | Quasifission dynamics with neutron-rich calcium. | 60.00 | 48.00 | |
23023 | Pfützner, Marek | Grzywacz, Robert; Mazzocchi, Chiara | Proton-proton momentum correlations in two-proton radioactivity of 54Zn | 120.00 | 36.00 | THU 06 FEB 2025 |
23017 | Wu, Ching-Yen | Gade, Alexandra; Henderson, Jack | Shape coexistence in N = Z nucleus, 44Ti | |||
23012 | Minamisono, Kei | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando; Nörtershäuser, Wilfried; Rossi, Dominic | Symmetry-energy constraints using the charge-radius difference of 52Ni-52Cr mirror nuclei | 108.00 | 54.00 | |
23011 | Kobayashi, Nobuyuki | Iwasaki, Hironori | Halo formation in neutron-rich carbon isotopes | 114.00 | 36.00 | SAT 09 DEC 2023 |
23009 | Zegers, Remco | Giraud, Simon | Search for the Isovector Giant Monopole Resonance via the 90Zr(10Be,10B[0+,T=1]) reaction | 108.00 | 36.00 | SAT 17 FEB 2024 |
23006 | Karthein, Jonas | Ringle, Ryan | Precision Binding Energies for Pioneering Astrophysical Studies | 53.00 | 57.00 | |
23005 | DESOUZA, Romualdo | Hudan, Sylvie | Fusing light nuclei near the neutron drip-line | 60.00 | 72.00 | |
23004 | Ronning, Eleanor | Richard, Andrea; Ronning, Eleanor | The Last Piece of the Generalized Brink Axel Hypothesis Puzzle | 68.00 | 48.00 | THU 08 FEB 2024 |
23003 | Iwasaki, Hironori | Zimba, George | Collectivity at N=27 studied by heavy-ion inelastic scattering and lifetime measurements | 64.00 | 36.00 | SAT 09 MAR 2024 |
23002 | Gade, Alexandra | Henderson, Jack; Wu, Ching-Yen | Collectivity and Shape North of Sn | 72.00 | FRI 10 MAY 2024 | |
23001 | Gade, Alexandra | Tostevin, Jeffrey | Single-neutron structure at the heart of the N=28 island of inversion | 110.00 | 36.00 | |
22511 | Brown, Kyle | Wuosmaa, Alan | Transfer reactions with the doubly magic 56Ni | 216.00 | ||
22510 | Grinder, Mara | Pain, Steven | 80Ge(d,p gamma): Informing weak r-process neutron capture | 144.00 | TUE 30 APR 2024 | |
22508 | Kanungo, Rituparna | Ayyad Limonge, Yassid | Investigation of neutron-proton pairing in 56Ni | 168.00 | TUE 17 DEC 2024 (partial) | |
22507 | Cortesi, Marco | Dziubinski, Sean | Performance Test of the Energy Loss Optical Scintillation System (ELOSS) | 12.00 | FRI 14 JUL 2023 | |
22505 | Kyle, Alicia | Spyrou, Artemis; Tsantiri, Artemis | Nucleosynthesis of neutron‐deficient isotopes in the A=70 region | 107.00 | THU 27 JUL 2023 | |
22503 | Montes, Fernando | Schatz, Hendrik | SECAR Development in Preparation for First FRIB Experiments | THU 20 JUN 2024 (partial) | ||
22502 | Ayyad Limonge, Yassid | Mittig, Wolfgang | Investigating new alpha-clustering observables in neutron-rich carbon nuclei | 130.00 | MON 18 DEC 2023 | |
22501 | Tarasov, Oleg | Gade, Alexandra | Commissioning with a high-Z primary beam | 120.00 | MON 06 FEB 2023 | |
21080 | Wu, Jin | Estrade, Alfredo; Tarasov, Oleg | Decay spectroscopy in the vicinity of the N=126 shell closure | 128.00 | 24.00 | |
21073 | Spyrou, Artemis | Muecher, Dennis | Constraining neutron capture rates for the r-process | 100.00 | 24.00 | |
21072 | Wrede, Christopher | Strength of the key 15O(a,g)19Ne resonance in X-ray bursts | 54.00 | 24.00 | MON 28 NOV 2022 | |
21070 | Marshall, Caleb | Chipps, Kelly; Psaltis, Thanassis | Determining the Site of Globular Cluster Potassium Enrichment via the 38Ar(p, gamma)39K Reaction in Inverse Kinematics | 158.00 | 24.00 | |
21069 | Ong, Wei Jia | Allmond, Mitch; Grzywacz, Robert; Rasco, Bertis; Schatz, Hendrik; Sherrill, Bradley; Tarasov, Oleg | Decay spectroscopy of the N=35 nuclei 55Ca,54K and 53Ar and the search for dripline nucleus 50S | 174.00 | 24.00 | TUE 30 JAN 2024 |
21067 | Pain, Steven | Simultaneous constraint of the 34g,mCl(p,g) reactions via a Spectroscopic Mirror Study using ORRUBA and SECAR | 168.00 | 36.00 | ||
21066 | Baumann, Thomas | Frank, Nathan | Neutron-Unbound Excited States in 53,55Ca | 36.00 | 24.00 | |
21062 | Crawford, Heather | Allmond, Mitch; Crider, Ben; Grzywacz, Robert; Tripathi, Vandana | Decay Spectroscopy Near N=28: Shell Structure, Shapes and Weak Binding | 124.00 | 24.00 | MON 04 MAR 2024 |
21061 | Severin, Gregory | Shusterman, Jennifer | First Isotope Harvesting at FRIB | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
21056 | Randhawa, Jaspreet | Ahn, Tan; Garg, Umesh | The Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonance in 132Sn: Implications on the Nuclear Incompressibility | 144.00 | 24.00 | |
21055 | Wuosmaa, Alan | Macchiavelli, Augusto | Evolution of intruder configurations in neutron-rich Mg isotopes | 48.00 | 36.00 | |
21049 | Leistenschneider, Erich | Ringle, Ryan | Seeking the Holy Grail of Nuclear Structure: Precise Binding Energy Determination of 100Sn | 72.00 | 60.00 | SUN 08 DEC 2024 |
21048 | Ong, Wei Jia | Avila, Melina | Constraining Molybdenum and Ruthenium production in neutron-rich neutrino-driven winds. | 52.00 | 36.00 | SUN 01 DEC 2024 (partial) |
21040 | Ayyad Limonge, Yassid | Macchiavelli, Augusto | Studying np pairing in N=Z nuclei: The 52Fe(3He,p) reaction at ReA with the AT-TPC | 48.00 | 48.00 | |
21039 | Redshaw, Matt | Ringle, Ryan | Exploration of Deformed Shell Closures and Pairing Correlations in N = Z Nuclei Around A = 80 | 96.00 | 60.00 | |
21038 | Pfützner, Marek | Grzywacz, Robert; Mazzocchi, Chiara | Proton-proton momentum correlations in two-proton radioactivity | 96.00 | 24.00 | TUE 28 JAN 2025 |
21035 | Allmond, Mitch | Mitchell, AJ; Surman, Rebecca | Correlation of Triaxial Deformation with Inertial Dynamics, Masses and r-Process Nucleosynthesis | 76.00 | 24.00 | SAT 15 MAR 2025 |
21034 | Bentley, Michael | Wadsworth, Bob | Evolution and isospin-dependence of quadrupole collectivity in the heaviest N=Z systems | 84.00 | 24.00 | TUE 18 APR 2023 |
21027 | Rykaczewski, Krzysztof | Grzywacz, Robert; Karny, Marek; Liddick, Sean; Rasco, Bertis | Decoding the doubly magic stronghold - decay spectroscopy of 78Ni | 120.00 | 24.00 | |
21026 | Avila, Melina | Direct measurement of the 59Cu(p,α)56Ni reaction | 72.00 | 36.00 | SUN 17 NOV 2024 | |
21024 | Crawford, Heather | Bazin, Daniel; Kanungo, Rituparna | Reaction Cross-Section Measurement in 40Mg: A Halo Candidate? | 144.00 | 24.00 | |
21023 | Karthein, Jonas | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando; Minamisono, Kei; Sumithrarachchi, Chandana | Precision laser spectroscopy of atoms and molecules containing exotic thorium isotopes | 112.00 | 30.00 | |
21021 | Grzywacz, Robert | Clark, Roderick; Karny, Marek; Liddick, Sean; Rasco, Bertis; Rykaczewski, Krzysztof; Seweryniak, Dariusz | Complete decay spectroscopy of 100Sn and its neighbors | 124.00 | 24.00 | |
21018 | Giraud, Simon | Zegers, Remco | Constraining electron-capture rates in and near the N=20 island of inversion | 96.00 | 24.00 | MON 24 JUN 2024 |
21016 | Hoffman, Calem | Kuchera, Anthony | First observation of neutron-unbound 30F | 94.00 | 24.00 | |
21015 | Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando | Minamisono, Kei; Vernon, Adam | Proton-halo and proton-skin structures in 22Al and 23Al | 60.00 | 60.00 | WED 22 MAY 2024 |
21014 | Lotay, Gavin | Randhawa, Jaspreet | Constraining the Ni-Cu cycle in X-ray bursts and Core Collapse Supernovae: Spectroscopy of 60Zn | 100.00 | 24.00 | THU 15 JUN 2023 |
21010 | Fynbo, Hans | Wrede, Christopher | Study of the beta-decays of 22Al and 26P | 48.00 | 36.00 | FRI 30 JUN 2023 |
21009 | Gade, Alexandra | Tostevin, Jeffrey; Wiedenhoever, Ingo | Understanding shape and configuration coexistence at N=28 | 72.00 | 24.00 | THU 20 JUL 2023 |
21007 | Gade, Alexandra | Janssens, Robert | Shape coexistence at the heart of the N = 40 island of inversion | 48.00 | 24.00 | TUE 02 AUG 2022 |
21006 | Charity, Robert | Is 22Si a doubly-magic nucleus? | 160.00 | 24.00 | SUN 10 NOV 2024 | |
21004 | Wu, Ching-Yen | Gade, Alexandra; Henderson, Jack | Shell evolution at the N=28 studied through sub-barrier Coulomb excitation | 72.00 | 48.00 | |
21003 | Grzywacz-Jones, Kate | Cerizza, Giordano; Gade, Alexandra; Grzywacz, Robert | The structure of light tin isotopes | 72.00 | 24.00 | THU 15 DEC 2022 |
21001 | Riley, Lew | Cottle, Paul | Measuring proton and neutron matrix elements for the 0^+_gs→2^+_1 transition in the deformed neutron-rich N=28 nucleus 42Si | 56.00 | 24.00 | FRI 29 MAR 2024 |